NFL, oh how I waited for you to get here

So today is Week 1 of NFL games. and I thought that it would never get here.  About 3 to 4 weeks ago, my brother-n-law kept harassing me day after day on joining in on his league of fantasy football. After much thought, I agreed to join, I had nothing to lose.   Once the words “yes” came out of my mind, I immediately started to panic. All these questions started fluttering my mind. What number am I in line? Who should I pick? Maybe I should do some homework and find out more about fantasy football? What did I get myself into?

As the day approached for live drafting, I did not know what to think. I had a list of all the player, positions and rankings. As the draft went live, my heart was racing, my palms sweating and my nerves a wreck. I had my wife next to me helping me with players, since we only had 90 seconds to pick our player, I’m yelling, my wife is yelling with excitement, we’re going back and forth as one team takes one of my players and now we’re trying to find another player to replace that one. What an exciting night.  I would never look at football the same.

Now the day has arrived and we are at week 1. How excited to know that on the first day one of my quarterbacks is playing. I want to say that I will be everyone on my league, which is about 10 teams, but don’t want to brag about it. lol

The league is something that I will continue to do and will look forward to fantasy football every year.  Thanks to my brother-n-law Mike for opening up my eyes to another world. Don’t want to exclude anyone out but thanks to my wife for the help and my brother Josh for giving me pointers.

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