
I once heard somewhere that there is a greater wealth of master symphonies, brilliant novels, and revolutionary ideas in a graveyard than anywhere else in the world. In other words, there is a greater mass of ideas that never left the heads of men and women than that actually saw the light of day and had an opportunity to make an impact.

Unfortunately, pastors are sometimes the greatest contributors to this tomb of collective genius. How many illustrations have been lost that could have unlocked and explained a biblical passage for someone like never before because the pastor failed to write it down? How many leadership teachings have been lost that could have taken ministry staffs to a whole new level because the pastor didn’t take the time to catalog and deliver them?

One of the greatest responsibilities of stewardship a pastor carries is the stewardship of the mind. If you have the calling and honor of preaching the Word of God, your mind and every God-given thought and idea that comes from it are among the most valuable assets you have. They are gifts from God…and therefore you are responsible for them.

Almost every pastor would agree with this. If they have been to seminary, it has been forcibly pressed into their psyche. Yet many pastors struggle with actually exercising good, practical stewardship of the insights and inspirations that are given to them by God. I don’t think it’s because they lack the intention or desire. Many pastors think of great ideas and mean to write them down and use them, but never get around to it. They can’t remember it later. And the idea is lost.

Although no system fits every personality, I want to give pastors some practical ways to be better stewards of the gifts he has given them. Tomorrow I’m going to give you private access to my system for writing, cataloging, and implementing my ideas for every platform I communicate from. It will not be a fix all. You might only take a few aspects.

Whatever it inspires you to do, commit with me never to lose another idea. The calling and honor of preaching is too great to waste any more of God’s resources.

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